Calculate polygon characteristics

Calculate polygon characteristics

Calculates basic polygon characteristics for uploaded polygon layers - perimeter, area and roundness / compactness. The tool allows to define the names of calculated attributes and units of measure.


The tool calculates the essential characteristics of polygon layers. The calculated attributes are perimeter, area and polygon roundness / compactness. User can provide names of the newly calculated attributes and select units of measure (either metric or imperial units are possible).

Keywords: vector, area, perimeter, roundness, compactness


  • Input vector polygon geodata - Requires vector polygon geodata.
  • Field name for attribute area - Define a name for the field where the area will be calculated.
  • Select units for area - In which units the area should be calculated.
  • Field name for attribute perimeter - Define a name for the field where the perimeter will be calculated.
  • Select units for perimeter - In which units the perimeter should be calculated.
  • Field name for attribute areal roundness - Define a name for the field where the areal roundness will be calculated.
  • Output format - Select file format for data to download.
  • Output coordinate system - Choose what coordinate system the output data should be in.


Original vector file extended by newly defined attributes with calculated values.


  • 2020-11-30 13:03 - The tool has been created.