Clip vector layer

Clip vector layer

Clips vector layer(s) according to the specific area defined by extent, shape or convex hull of uploaded vector file or by drawing the area on a map. Output file can be in the same format as input or it's possible to choose a different vector format.


The tool allows to clip vector layer(s) according to the specific area. You can define the area by uploading a vector file (you can also choose the specific layer in multilayer files) or by drawing the area on a map. Then you have to select the type of shape the data should be clipped - either Geometry (exact shape), Bounding box (extent) or Convex hull. Finally, you can select the output vector file format.

Keywords: geoprocessing, vector, clip


  • Input vector dataset(s) to be clipped - Requires vector dataset(s) that will be clipped to specific shape or extent.
  • Input clipping vector data - Requires vector data that will be used as clipping polygon, bounding box (extent) or convex hull. It’s also possible to draw the area on a map.
  • Layer to use as a clipping area - Select the layer you want to use as a clipping area.
  • Select type of clipping - Select to what type of shape the data should be clipped - Geometry (exact shape), Bounding box (extent) or Convex hull.
  • Output format - Select vector file format for data to download.


Vector data clipped to the specified extent, shape or convex hull.


  • 2021-10-05 11:13 - Improved drawing of clipping data - area of interest is displayed
  • 2021-03-17 13:53 - The tool has been created.

Clip vector layer