Extract layers from dataset
Extracts only selected layers from the input multilayer vector dataset (file formats: GML, GPKG, KML, SQLite). In this way it is possible to reduce the file size/complexity before further processing or to extract individual layers in separate files.
The tool extracts only selected layers from the input multilayer vector dataset (file formats: Geography Markup Language (GML), GeoPackage (GPKG), Keyhole Markup Language (KML), SQLite / Spatialite) and stores them again in the multilayer dataset (if such output format is selected), which allows to significantly reduce the file size/complexity before further processing. The tool can also be used to split a multilayer dataset so that each layer is in a separate output file.
Keywords: vector, file, layer
- Input vector multilayer dataset - Requires a vector multilayer dataset from which the layers will be extracted.
- Layers to extract - Specify which layers to extract from the dataset.
- Export each layer into separate file - Should each layer be exported into separate file?
- Output format - Select vector file format for data to download.
- Output coordinate system - Choose what coordinate system the output data should be in.
Resulting file/files with selected layers.
This tool was created by a third-party developer. Our company is not responsible for the functionality of this tool. For any issues related to this tool, please contact this developer:
Jan Caha, GeoCzech, Inc.
- 2022-02-22 13:54 - The tool has been created.