Merge vector datasets
Combines two or more datasets containing various vector layers into one dataset. Individual layers can be merged if they have the same name and also the same type of geometry (points, lines, polygons).
The tool merges two or more datasets containing various vector layers into one dataset, whereby the layers that have the same name and the same type of geometry (points, lines, polygons) are merged in the resulting dataset.
If the file format allows only one layer per file (typically SHP, GeoJSON), in the output there will be created as many files as there are different geometries among the input data - e.g. if there are 10 ESRI Shapefile (SHP) input files and they contain 2 types of geometry (e.g. points and lines) 2 SHP output files will be created, one with all lines and one with all points.
For multilayer file formats - files that can contain multiple layers and these layers can be named (typically GPKG, SQLite, KML, GML ...), only layers with the same geometry and also the same name are merged. So, for example, if 2 GeoPackage (GPKG) files containing 3 polygon layers each are merged, and only one layer has the same name in both files, there will be created 1 GPKG file containing 5 polygon layers (2 layers with the same name are merged).
In case the layers are merged, the resulting layer will contain attributes from both input layers.
The input files must always be of the same format and have the same CRS. The output file format will be the same as the input file format.
Keywords: vector, dataset, multilayer, merge
- Input vector datasets - Requires vector datasets.
A vector dataset created by merging input datasets.
- 2022-03-25 09:04 - The tool has been created.