Segmentize polygons and lines

Segmentize polygons and lines

Adds vertices to polygon boundaries and lines at a given distance so that no part of the geometry is longer than the specified length.


The tool adds vertices to polygon or line layers at an interval defined by the maximum distance, so that no part of the geometry is longer than the specified length. It also converts parametric or true curves (like ellipses or arcs) into a series of straight segments by placing vertices at an defined interval. The segments can be set by the value in various length units.

Segmentation can be useful when you need to split continuous lines (e.g. GPS recordings) so that they always have a vertex after a given distance. Possible use may be when creating an elevation profile from your polygon/line by extracting Z values from a detailed digital elevation model (DEM) to the polygon/line vertices. Densification is also typically used to preserve a feature's shape during projection and is helpful, when using spatial adjustment rubbersheeting to align linear features with a different number of vertices (enabling snapping). May be also useful for further processing of vector data, e.g. in various CAD applications.

Keywords: vector, segmentation, polygon, line


  • Input vector polygon/line geodata - Requires vector polygon/line layers.
  • Maximal segment length - Length of the segment of the line or polygon boundary (in units if input data coordinate system).
  • Output format - Select file format for data to download.


Vector polygon/line layers with defined maximal segment length.


  • 2022-03-24 14:51 - The tool has been created.